Momentum journal for your goals.

Discover 22 prompts designed to motivate, inspire, and unblock you on your journey to achieving your goals.

zipgoals journal screenshot of SMART goals

Find inspiration.

Zipgoals device screenshots

Journal on any device.

Don't miss a day of journalling. Zipgoals can be installed on your desktop, tablet or smartphone.

Coming soon to Zipgoals

Zipgoals will soon become the ultimate destination for tracking and achieving your personal goals!

Zipgoals SMART Goals
🎯 SMART Goals

With SMART goals, you'll be able to easily plan milestones, due dates and all aspects of your goals.

🔥 Habit Tracker

Zipgoals is about to launch a fully-fledged habit tracker. You will soon track your habits in any of your journal entries. Get ready to break your longest streak ever! 

🏆 Gamify

Stay motivated as you progress toward your goals. Zipgoals will employ a leveling and point system to encourage you to maintain your momentum!

Zipgoals AI Coach
🤖 AI Coach

Receive intelligent coaching, guidance, and reminders from our one-of-a-kind AI coach on your journey.

Introductory Pricing

Lock in your price now.



For life

  • Unlimited Notes
  • 20 Images
  • 3 SMART Goals (coming soon)
  • 3 Habits (coming soon)


Per year

  • Unlimited Everything
  • AI Coach (coming soon)



One time

  • Unlimited Everything
  • AI Coach (coming soon)

Contact Us

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback!